Fajã de João Dias

Fajã de João Dias is a remote settlement built on flat ground resulting from ancient landslides at the base of cliffs in the parish of Rosais, municipality of Velas on the island of São Jorge, Azores.

The settlement has around 17 older houses and over thirty in a more modern style and a chapel. There are several ruins since the January 1980 earthquake destroyed much of the old settlement. Only one house is now inhabited year-round. The others are populated on weekends or during harvest seasons (figs, vines, maize) by people ordinarily living elsewhere on the island. Most farming on the island is pasture-based on the plateau; fruits can only be grown in the micro-climates of the Fajãs at the base of cliffs or surrounding terraces.

The settlement is currently inaccessible by vehicle or ferry but a paved road down the cliff to the east was under construction in 2009. A path accessible by foot, pony or mule snakes down the 450m cliff. There is a rocky beach but no port for fishing or transport. Two boats around the cliff visit the bay of Fajã do Calhau Rolado nearby and there is fishing from the rocks. Fresh water is supplied down the cliffs from a spring and all the houses have cisterns.

There are currently no shops, hotels, cafes, bars or any other services in the settlement.

See also